Thursday, September 8, 2011

yeah yeah.

I know I owe you guys some actual book reviews and what not. But since the thirty some-odd books have jumped to like 50 (I know I'm addicted), I've decided to start vlogging about them. For you less social media adept people, that's video blogging. When the page gets fully set up and going I will post the link here. So yay!!!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear people that are supposed to be my friends,

Stop lying to me!


Why people feel the need to lie is beyond me. Lying to spare someone's feelings never works for a number of reasons:
1. They always find out
2. they are hurt because you lied (either direct lying or lying by omission)
3. They can't trust you like they used to
4. Feelings are still hurt

Now I'm not hurt or even mad, I'm just annoyed at how unnecessary this all was. Yes, I still found out in the end (I always do). However, lying out of fear is the coward's way out. Stop doing it. Man up! Of course forgiving someone you have a good friendship with is a little easier than normal. However, if I have no attachment to you whatsoever, lying really doesn't help your case. Sitting in my room, pretending to be my friend, and repeatedly lying to me for at least 15 minutes does not make me think favorably of you. As a matter of fact I like you even less, which turns into a dislike of you. So the lesson for the day, ladies and gentlemen, is don't lie.

Friday, June 24, 2011

I know...I know

So once again I'm hopelessly behind on blogging. However, in my defense, it's not my fault. Since we currently live with my granparental units, the access to high speed internet has been severely limited. There is no high speed internet in the area, so I have to deal with dial up. If you remember the dial-up days.....well let's just say its painfully slow.

A couple of things to inform you lovely people about:

1. I did NOT get any of the practicums for the fall semester. Am I bummed? Nope. Just try again when the spring rolls around

2. Still jobless. Depressed? Not a chance. Definitely bored though. Applied to some pretty awesome ones, so keep your fingers crossed.

3. Found a dance studio!!!!! Super excited about that one. I'm an exorbitant amount of money, which is primarily why I need a job, but it is well worth it.

4. Got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago. Was I speeding? If you know me, that isn't even a question. However, defensive driving takes care of that. Then my address an my license and my insurance didn't match. Apparently, that's a violation, whatever, it gets dismissed. The not so great part about this is that my license has a restriction that says I have to have licensed driver in the front passenger seat that is 21 or older. That was all fine and good, when I was 18!!!!! I am over 21 and driver's license says so, but apparently the cop can't read. So now I have to actually go to trial over this. The sucky part is that the license doesn't expire until 2013 and I can't get it renewed until 2012. Lame :(

5. The above is not even the worse thing, as a matter of fact it's not even that bad because I'm sure it'll get thrown out. Not that this next thing is life alteringly bad, but it was definitely "interesting". As an extremely witty friend puts it: My best friend is dating my arch nemesis. Is this a terrible thing? No.....i don't guess so. Do I like it? Nope. Why not? Let's just say she's not my favorite person and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her....which ain't far. Now I could be wrong about her, however I've been told by other sources that I'm not. Regardless of that fact, I really do hope that I am wrong.

6. On the bright side I have a gagillion part blog that reviews the books I've read since December. WARNING: There are about 30 books, that's why its in parts. I'll be grouping them according to author. That should help.

7. I have a guest co-authored blog coming up sometime around August/September and it's already in the works. It's sure to entertain so definitely check back for that :)

Until Next Time :D

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I finally graduated!!!!. Things were so busy there at the end. I thought of blogging but consistently realized there was something else I should be doing. I've been trying to keep in contact with some of my friends. It's been hard because they have lives and I'm kind of a bum right now. Things at the job aren't really working out so it's back to the drawing board. In the mean time, Ive been trying to figure out what I need to make to pay for continued dance lessons, student loans, eventually a place to live that isnt with my parents, and whatever else comes to mind. Mostly I want a job so I'm not sitting at home bored everyday. I've only had one day with down time thus far. Next week I'm gonna go scout out dance studios, hopefully I find one I like. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Small Update

Considering that graduation is coming up in less than a month, it's no surprise that the entire month of March went by without a single blog. I do apologize for that. Between school, reading and dance things have been a tad busy. My next blog will be a book review of all the books I've read this semester, because i think there are around 15. :)

OK, the most exciting news is the job I acquired after graduation. So, after three weeks of finally getting my resume together, I decided to go on and see if I could find some child life assistant jobs. This would look really good when I try to get my Child life internship especially since my GPR isn't the best. So after coming up empty (there are no child life anything jobs in Texas at the moment) the idea came to me to apply as an assistant teacher at one of these child development learning centers. Surely, I can do that. So one Saturday I sent off my resume, not really expecting anything to come from it. Well, Monday they sent me an assessment. I'm thinking "An assessment? They haven't even interviewed me." I finish the assessment that night around 10:45. Tuesday morning I am awakened by my phone (which talks BTW) and almost decide not to answer it. When I answer the phone I'm told that they want to schedule an interview with me for Thursday at 10am. Hmmmmm? That's gonna be fun, especially since I live three hours away currently. Anyway, they offer me the job on the spot! YAY for not being a bum over the summer!

Second exciting thing is this coming weekend. I get to go to Houston for a Hairspray field trip with my friend from Witticisms (you should check her out btw) and some other really good friends! I love road trips! Saturday is Mystery Desert Theater. Sunday is bluebonnetpalooza with some other friends (shout out to Bea and Ben).

The next five weekends are also busy: a friend is coming in from Houston (finally). The next weekend is the UT Austin Ballroom Competition. The weekend after is Ring Dance!! (prom on crack for Aggies) Then we hit May. That first weekend is the End of Semester Dance for TAMBDA and we are rolling out the red carpet. That's right, the theme is Hollywood :) That is also the weekend of a graduation dance for one of our junior members. Then, that Wednesday (i think) is the graduation party that will put all others to shame ;) and Friday is graduation!!!!! so much to do. I have to find time to actually do school work :P

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Road Trip!

For those of you that know, I went on a road trip to Houston this past Friday. After driving two hours to drive a friend to the Hobby Airport, the festivities began.

So after spending longer than I would have liked in traffic (I hate the traffic in Houston) to get to a the Greek restaurant that I was supposed to meet my friend at, I finally get there without killing myself or anyone within the vicinity of me. Always a plus. My friend finally gets there and I wait for about 15 minutes until he decides on what he wants to order. Funny thing is he finally just orders the same thing I do. So we spend two hours at this restaurant, laughing and talking. Well, he's doing all the talking about his various stalkers and I'm doing all the laughing. He decides that I haven't spent enough time in his fair city and we come up with the idea of going to the movies.

What movie did he pick? The romantic comedy, Just Go With It. It was actually really funny. So as you can see, all went well and nothing extraordinary happened. It was just dinner, conversation, and movie. I think this is the continuance of a beautiful friendship.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

School vs. Other More Interesting Things

For the first time in my college career I do believe that everything else has taken a back seat to school or TAMBDA. While this is good for school and it hasn't been so good for my other side activities. I'm three weeks behind on the only four shows I watch on TV. Sadness indeed.

On the other hand, social activities are always piling up. You would think that I would learn to say no by now. But that isn't so bad, considering that this is my last semester at A&M. So the more time I spend with people the better. I probably won't see or hear from 70% of these people after we all graduate. On to the weekend festivities :)

Friday: Random road trip to Houston. Ok, it isn't random; it was planned. But I have to drive a friend to the airport too, so I'll be out of here right after class.

Saturday: Dancing at the Bush Library and then Jane Austen Night. It should be pretty low key. One would hope anyway.

Monday, January 31, 2011


This weekend was full of social obligations. Not that it was necessary for me to go to all of them, but as usual, I gave my word to go before realizing they all fell in the same weekend. At least it wasn't next weekend when I will have a research paper and a test staring me in the face. So what were the fun-filled activities that I had this weekend?

Friday- Dessert potluck. Well at least that was the main event. I spent my afternoon after class, shopping for a good Friend's surprise party (if he ever finds out how much I spent, he might have a small stroke) and playing Disney sing it and glee karaoke with my great friend from Witticisms While We Waltz. The dessert potluck was pretty fun. It was the first day I ate something without the annoying nausea. YAY! It was also a great night for people watching, my favorite hobby. Man, I wish I could get paid for that.

Saturday- Mary Kate and Ashley Movie Marathon. Yes, I spent 7+ hours of my life watching movies from my childhood. Get over it. I also did homework, so I was somewhat productive. I did redeem myself by watching the Star Trek movie. Yes, I'm a closet nerd. Also a really good event to do some people watching. Granted they were all girls, but sometime girls can be interesting, on rare occasions anyway.

Sunday- Surprise Birthday Party. Now how 13 people kept this a secret for a week and half is beyond me. Especially considering that they were mostly ballroom people. Let's face it, we can't keep our mouths shut about anything. There are a few secrets between some small groups, but tell someone outside of that and the whole group will know in less that 24 hours. We really know how to utilize that grapevine. Anyways, all went according to plan and was a pretty big hit if I do say so myself. Let's face it, when it comes to planning things I'm the goddess. At least that's what my party hat said last night. lol

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How in the World?

I wish I knew how I got everything done this week. There was my birthday, which definitely had its pro and cons. The problem was the ensuing nausea that occurred after. The nausea that's still hanging around almost a week later. And it's only when I eat. We are talking the substantial amount you need to survive. The best part is that it's stopped coming back up, which has to be a sure sign that I'm getting a little better right?

On the much happier and brighter note, I bought three books this week, one of which I've already finished. The good thing about staying on top of homework and what not is that you actually do have more free time. How this happens is a mystery to me. I think it has something to do with the time space continuum or something of that nature.

So the question remains: how in the world did I get everything done that I needed to this week? I don't know. But it definitely leaves time for fun dinners with friends, Disney sing it with the princess and party planning. I think I might survive this semester after all :P

Thursday, January 20, 2011's a little chilly

It's so cold outside! I dressed for the 55 degree weather this morning, not the 13 degree drop and winds from the north that spontaneously appeared during the course of my hour and fifteen minute class. I know it's winter but jeez, this is TEXAS!! Any who, at least I'm done with class for the day. Now I have to contemplate whether I want to venture out into the Arctic and get my class packets.

Which brings me to another topic: classes. Here are the classes and what I think of them thus far:

Biomedical Genetics: While last semester totally kicked my butt, forcing me to drop the class before my GPR suffered, this semester looks like it will be a bit easier to follow. Probably due to the different professor.

Advanced Methods: Yet another statistic class for sociology. While it's supposed to be less calculation based and more application based, it still sounds like a crap class. Not to mention that the final paper in this class is the exact same as the final paper from my baby methods class. I guess that's what happens when they let a graduate student teach a class.

Behavioral Disorders of Children: The third and final psych class of my college career and is definitely going to prove interesting despite the fact that this class has 1 book and 4 class packets all of which at over $30. Not a fan of that.

Sociology of Sport: OK, I don't really know what to say about this one except: Is it really necessary to drop the F bomb 12 times in a single class?! I get the he's the professor and all, but if he's going to be the Harvard educated black man that he dresses to be, can he at least speak like it? The joys of a public institution I suppose. And don't let the name of the class fool you, it's not just about sports (which would be awesome and also a kine class). It's about society and how it affects sports........*snore*. But that's sociology for you, one big snooze fest.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beginning of the End

Now that school has started up again things have been a lot less hectic...of course I won't be able to say that next week because things will get......well.....more hectic. Christmas break was awesome! All is well here. But the best part is that I had my last first day of class today! So I get to leave this great institution in May. I'm so ready to start the next phase of life, I'm having a little trouble concentrating on the present day.