It's so cold outside! I dressed for the 55 degree weather this morning, not the 13 degree drop and winds from the north that spontaneously appeared during the course of my hour and fifteen minute class. I know it's winter but jeez, this is TEXAS!! Any who, at least I'm done with class for the day. Now I have to contemplate whether I want to venture out into the Arctic and get my class packets.
Which brings me to another topic: classes. Here are the classes and what I think of them thus far:
Biomedical Genetics: While last semester totally kicked my butt, forcing me to drop the class before my GPR suffered, this semester looks like it will be a bit easier to follow. Probably due to the different professor.
Advanced Methods: Yet another statistic class for sociology. While it's supposed to be less calculation based and more application based, it still sounds like a crap class. Not to mention that the final paper in this class is the exact same as the final paper from my baby methods class. I guess that's what happens when they let a graduate student teach a class.
Behavioral Disorders of Children: The third and final psych class of my college career and is definitely going to prove interesting despite the fact that this class has 1 book and 4 class packets all of which at over $30. Not a fan of that.
Sociology of Sport: OK, I don't really know what to say about this one except: Is it really necessary to drop the F bomb 12 times in a single class?! I get the he's the professor and all, but if he's going to be the Harvard educated black man that he dresses to be, can he at least speak like it? The joys of a public institution I suppose. And don't let the name of the class fool you, it's not just about sports (which would be awesome and also a kine class). It's about society and how it affects sports........*snore*. But that's sociology for you, one big snooze fest.
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