Friday, June 24, 2011

I know...I know

So once again I'm hopelessly behind on blogging. However, in my defense, it's not my fault. Since we currently live with my granparental units, the access to high speed internet has been severely limited. There is no high speed internet in the area, so I have to deal with dial up. If you remember the dial-up days.....well let's just say its painfully slow.

A couple of things to inform you lovely people about:

1. I did NOT get any of the practicums for the fall semester. Am I bummed? Nope. Just try again when the spring rolls around

2. Still jobless. Depressed? Not a chance. Definitely bored though. Applied to some pretty awesome ones, so keep your fingers crossed.

3. Found a dance studio!!!!! Super excited about that one. I'm an exorbitant amount of money, which is primarily why I need a job, but it is well worth it.

4. Got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago. Was I speeding? If you know me, that isn't even a question. However, defensive driving takes care of that. Then my address an my license and my insurance didn't match. Apparently, that's a violation, whatever, it gets dismissed. The not so great part about this is that my license has a restriction that says I have to have licensed driver in the front passenger seat that is 21 or older. That was all fine and good, when I was 18!!!!! I am over 21 and driver's license says so, but apparently the cop can't read. So now I have to actually go to trial over this. The sucky part is that the license doesn't expire until 2013 and I can't get it renewed until 2012. Lame :(

5. The above is not even the worse thing, as a matter of fact it's not even that bad because I'm sure it'll get thrown out. Not that this next thing is life alteringly bad, but it was definitely "interesting". As an extremely witty friend puts it: My best friend is dating my arch nemesis. Is this a terrible thing? No.....i don't guess so. Do I like it? Nope. Why not? Let's just say she's not my favorite person and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her....which ain't far. Now I could be wrong about her, however I've been told by other sources that I'm not. Regardless of that fact, I really do hope that I am wrong.

6. On the bright side I have a gagillion part blog that reviews the books I've read since December. WARNING: There are about 30 books, that's why its in parts. I'll be grouping them according to author. That should help.

7. I have a guest co-authored blog coming up sometime around August/September and it's already in the works. It's sure to entertain so definitely check back for that :)

Until Next Time :D

1 comment:

  1. You know why I posted this. ;) lol
