Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Stuff = Excitement

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I've been writing a couple of stories. My first fan fiction story currently has 4700+ hits, which I pretty awed about. My second one has 18 reviews which is double the amount of view than that of the former. My original story isn't doing nearly is well, however, I can't say I'm surprised. The first few chapters are boring. I guess back story is pretty important. I'm planning some pretty awful things for it though. All of this writing got me thinking, why don't I just start looking for jobs in publishing, specifically publicist or editing jobs? Oh, because I have no experience and probably no marketable skills. Ah, but wait, I didn't spend those grueling years in the Residence Hall Association for nothing. Who knows, maybe all those leadership positions in college will pay off. I applied for a few jobs that peaked my interest. One of which was for Disney. I have said on multiple occasions that if Disney ever came calling, I would drop whatever it was that I was doing and just go. Why? Because I'm a freak of nature. So I have a potential new path, which I'm super excited about!

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